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The Remedy

What a week it has been. I have always had a rule to leave politics out of my blog. I’m not going to change any of that now. Yet I sit here today with such a mixed bag of emotions. Reading articles and comments on blogs, facebook and twitter has been quite an experience. I go from inspired to disappointed. I go from angered to completely perplexed. All of these emotions have nothing to do with the election. They are all based on the posts and responses leading up to and following the election from Christian brothers and sisters.

I have tried to approach each commentary with an understanding and allowing that each has the freedom to say or do what they feel appropriate. But today I believe what saddened me the most is that we have allowed an election process to drive walls and bitterness between believers. At a time when those of faith should unite for a cause much greater than who is in the White House, we are fighting amongst ourselves. At a time when the nation needs to see the love of Jesus we cannot allow circumstances to take us from what we are here to do. Are we advancing his kingdom or setting it back?

The reality is that this world is hurting. It was in that state before last night and it will be in that state when the new President takes the office. The hurts are real. People are hungry, homeless, poor, broken and need the hope of Jesus Christ more than ever before. Are we expressing that message or doing it damage? Are we doing our part to usher in His kingdom?

The most important thing that I have tried to remember in this entire process is that there is only One man, and one Remedy for all that we seek. It is not John McCain. It is not Barack Obama. It is Jesus Christ. If the celebration in Chicago last night was anything, imagine the day when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess. Imagine the acceptance speech when the one that suffered for all of the sin in the world takes his rightful place on the throne!

Now that is change we can believe in. That is the hope we seek. That is the day I long for.

Remedy” by David Crowder Band

Download: dcbremedy.mp3

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